Settings and activity
1 result found
56 votes
We already started the further development and already added new statistics:
Added a new KPI “Promotion codes”
Added a new KPI “Sales by manufacturer”
Added a new KPI Sales by country
Added a new KPI Best selling products
UI enhancements and technical improvements
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Leider erscheint oft der Button Analytics nicht. Erst wenn man das PlugIn ausschaltet und dann wieder
einschaltet erscheint der Button Anylytics wieder. Es wäre besser den Button ins Untermenü vom Dashboard oder noch besser unter dem Menüpunkt "
Unfortunately, the Analytics button often does not appear. Only when the plug-in is switched off and then on again does the Anylytics button reappear. It would be better to place the button in the submenu of the dashboard or even better under the menu item “Marketing”.