1186 results found
Shopware Analytics - Beta Phase
Following the launch of the first iteration of Shopware Analytics, we are continuing to develop the next iterations, which will further enhance functionalities. Additionally, we will steadily introduce a series of new dashboards featuring more metric visualizations. These updates will be rolled out independently of Shopware minor releases, leveraging the flexibility of our App-based service.
We invite you to explore the new features of Shopware Analytics and share your feedback. Your insights and feedback will be considered during development to ensure continuous improvement.
Here you can find the original feedback, which was the base of the first iteration: https://feedback.shopware.com/forums/942607/suggestions/45651289
62 votesWe already started the further development and already added new statistics:
Added a new KPI “Promotion codes”
Added a new KPI “Sales by manufacturer”
Added a new KPI Sales by country
Added a new KPI Best selling products
UI enhancements and technical improvements
Blog with Custom Entities
Blogs are an excellent way for businesses to tell stories and generate more traffic around their products. Currently, running a blog requires external setups, which often need coding skills, manual workflows and are disconnected from the shop system. Therefore we will provide an integrated blog functionality as a first example of using custom entities. This will enable merchants to write content, design and publish blog posts without coding skills.
52 votes -
Replacing the sw-text-editor editor
It would be a great Idea to schedule the replacement of the sw-text-editor by a better editor like Tiptap as it is mentioned in the architectural desicion report: https://developer.shopware.com/docs/resources/references/adr/2023-03-27-admin-text-editor-evaluation.html
57 votes -
Make Advanced Search 2.0 more configurable
Advanced Search 2.0 / OpenSearch already offers good results. However, not all users can make optimum use of it because, for example, it is not possible to set how much deviation a result may have compared to the top-ranked result. In the technical trade, product names can be very close to each other, so an exact match is often required here. Although the best results are presented first, similar results are also presented. For example, S25 and S25+ would be very close to each other and therefore offer the potential for a bad purchase with subsequent returns.For customers…
8 votes -
Compliance with the EU standard on eInvoicing till 2025
Please research about whether or not we should implement ZUGFeRD or x-invoice into Shopware and if yes, on how to implement it. Maybe this could be a good starting point (German only): https://stachowitz-medien.de/e-rechnungen/.
Please also think about communication if we will not implement this into Shopware.
45 votesWe are currently developing a solution to create e-invoices with Shopware 6.
Separate categories and landing pages for editing and assigning
Something that is not clear to us is that a category right has an influence on the landing pages and that those who are responsible for the landing pages can also make category changes.
We therefore have the following suggestion:
From the fact that both landing pages and categories can be found under the same ‘Categories’ menu item, it makes sense that both areas may also have overlapping rights. However, it makes little sense to us that editing categories and adding layouts to a landing page are controlled via the ‘Edit categories’ permission.
From our use case, we can therefore…
5 votes -
CAPTCHAs: Different keys per sales channel
You can currently only store one key pair per CAPTCHA in the Basic information. If you change the sales channel in the
Basic information and enter another key, the previous one will be overwritten.7 votes -
Delete media - folders get not removed
If a medium is deleted manually in Contents > Media, the folder path, e.g.
, is retained, only the file is removed. The same phenomenon also occurs when deleting/clearing up via Command line. Even if each directory only takes up a small amount of space, many empty directories quickly accumulate, which means that a lot of unnecessary space is taken up.Please also remove the directories when cleaning up.
Wenn ein Medium in Inhalte > Medien manuell gelöscht wird, bleibt der Ordnerpfad z.B.
erhalten, nur die Datei wird entfernt. Das gleiche Phänomen tritt auch auf, wenn die Löschung…10 votes -
Extended debugging e-mail/template dispatch
Many customers customize the email templates for their shop. It often happens that certain e-mail templates are no longer sent because, for example, variables are incorrect.
Troubleshooting the cause is then very difficult and time-consuming because:
- There are no errors in the log with indications of the cause.
- The e-mail test function still works with the e-mail template because variables are ignored.
As a result, the e-mail template and the variables have to be checked with a great deal of effort and there are a lot of support tickets for this, as customers quickly reach their limits.
In order to…
12 votes -
Topseller based on each category
In order to display top sellers per category (e.g. as a product slider), a dedicated dynamic product group must currently be created for each category.
It is desired that within each category only top seller items are displayed that are actually assigned to that category. In this case, the items in a dynamic product group would have to be validated against the products manually assigned to a category, for example(!).
4 votes -
Replace Webpack with Vite in Shopware Administration Panel
Switching from Webpack to Vite in the Shopware Administration Panel would significantly improve development speed and the developer experience. Vite offers faster builds, better HMR (Hot Module Replacement), and modern JavaScript tooling. Its optimized build process and plugin ecosystem make it a future-proof choice for modern frontend development.
By adopting Vite, Shopware developers would benefit from shorter feedback loops during development and an overall more efficient and enjoyable workflow. Additionally, it aligns Shopware with the latest frontend development trends, ensuring continued relevance and appeal to a broader developer community.
7 votes -
Optionally, the net prices should remain the same, even if there are other taxes in other countries.
Currently, the net price changes if you offer products in other countries with different taxes. The gross price remains the same.
There should be an option to decide for yourself whether the net price remains the same with a variable gross price, or whether the gross price remains the same with a variable net price.
51 votes -
Improve the Main Navigation in the Shopware Administration
We are looking to improve the main navigation (left sidebar) in the Shopware Administration to make it clearer, more intuitive, and more efficient. This includes aspects such as structure, design, and functionality.
What challenges do you currently face with the navigation? Are there specific aspects that you find inconvenient or would like to see improved? What features would help you work more efficiently?
Your feedback is essential in helping us shape a navigation experience that best supports your workflow!
3 votes -
Backend: Product Filtering and Customization - Filter Value
The product filters section needs more customization and can be optimized.
Here is an example of the main shortcomings:
1 - Allow the addition of custom fields and properties.
2 - Allow the use of operators such as: "Like," "=", "And," "Or," "Starts with," etc.
3 - Allow filtering by entering multiple values in a search field.4 votes -
Introduce Semver versioning
Currently, there is a "generation" in the versioning of shopware. This makes it necessary to create additional functions to check the versions. Saw a PR of Shopware previously to solve it internally, which shows that problem, too.
Please get rid of this marketing versioning and keep into three numbers, matching semver.
5 votes -
Make first- and last name optional for company accounts
First- and last name should be optional if setting up a new customer entry through the administration or by using the register form IF it is a company account.
16 votes -
B2B Components - Order confirmation
It should be possible to define whether a contact or the debtor should receive mails just as order confirmations (for example).
Currently, by default, only the debtor is receiving such mails.
28 votes -
Possibility to delete documents
It should be possible to delete documents, especially invoices.
Several reasons why it should be possible are listed here: https://forum.shopware.com/t/loeschen-von-dokumenten-nicht-mehr-moeglich/97011
Without this function you cannot really test the invoice generation on a production system and you cannot change false invoices that customers have never received.
Due to a bug multiple invoices can be created for the same order with the only difference of the invoice number. Currently you cannot delete the redundant invoice.
37 votes -
Orders: Subsequent change of shipping method and payment method in Admin
It must also be possible to change the shipping method and payment method later in the admin.
A scenario that occurs again and again and must be possible.
A customer orders online (prepayment and DHL shipping). However, the customer now comes to us directly. Now we need to be able to change the customer's payment method and shipping method in the store backend as an admin.Or I have to change the shipping method for a company order from DHL to freight forwarding.
28 votes -
Product delivery time vs. shipping method delivery time
The delivery time of a product overwrites the delivery time of the shipping method. However, this is not helpful if the delivery time of the shipping method exceeds the delivery time of the product, as a delivery time that is not possible is then displayed.
It would be helpful if the higher delivery time is used in each case.4 votes
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