Settings and activity
2 results found
1 voteMarko Crefeld shared this idea ·
59 votes
We already started the further development and already added new statistics:
Added a new KPI “Promotion codes”
Added a new KPI “Sales by manufacturer”
Added a new KPI Sales by country
Added a new KPI Best selling products
UI enhancements and technical improvements
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die Anzahl der Neukunden in einem bestimmten Zeitraum passt nicht. Kann es sein, dass in dieser Statistik die Anzahl der neu angelegten Lieferadressen / Kontakte gezählt wird? Wohingegen die Gesamtzahl der Kunden sich aus tatsächlichen Kunden speist? Anders gefragt, wie entsteht die Statistik zur Anzahl der Neukunden? Was ich hier sehen kann trifft leider nicht zu.
LG, Marko
The number of new customers in a certain period does not match. Is it possible that the number of newly created delivery addresses / contacts is counted in these statistics? Whereas the total number of customers is based on actual customers? In other words, how are the statistics on the number of new customers generated? Unfortunately, what I can see here does not apply.
LG, Marko