Settings and activity
1 result found
65 votes
We already started the further development and already added new statistics:
Added a new KPI “Promotion codes”
Added a new KPI “Sales by manufacturer”
Added a new KPI Sales by country
Added a new KPI Best selling products
UI enhancements and technical improvements
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Alex Dal commented
Kennzahlen zu aktuellen Besuchern (mobile & Desktop), Seitenaufrufen, Artikeln nach Verkäufen und beliebte Suchbegriffe
Key figures on current visitors (mobile & desktop), page views, articles by sales and popular search terms
Hello, it would be great if you could select different payment statuses for the analysis, e.g. also the status "open" ... Unfortunately, at the moment you can only see orders with the status "paid" under "total sales". Thank you very much!
Hallo, es wäre toll, wenn man verschiedene Zahlungsstatus für die Analyse auswählen könnte z.B. auch den Stauts "offen" ... Im Moment kann man leider nur Bestellungen mit dem Status "bezahlt" unter "Gesamtsumsatz" sehen. Vielen Dank!