Settings and activity
4 results found
45 votes
We are currently developing a solution to create e-invoices with Shopware 6.
Kai Dechert supported this idea ·
55 votes
Kai Dechert supported this idea ·
68 votes
We already started the further development and already added new statistics:
Added a new KPI “Promotion codes”
Added a new KPI “Sales by manufacturer”
Added a new KPI Sales by country
Added a new KPI Best selling products
UI enhancements and technical improvements
Kai Dechert supported this idea ·
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5 votes
Kai Dechert supported this idea ·
Es sollte möglich sein bei der Auswertung der Zahlungsarten zwischen Prozentual und Umsatz umzustellen
It should be possible to switch between percentage and turnover when analysing payment methods