Settings and activity
2 results found
74 votes
Thank you for your feedback and your patience with this topic!
In a first iteration, we already improved the error handling for the product module by highlighting the specific tab in which the error occurred and displaying a list of missing fields at the top of the module. In further iterations, we like to specify these messages.
In general, this topic is relevant not only for the product module but also for all kinds of user situations within the administration. We would like to work on this more generally and would love your feedback on it as well:
We’ll keep you updated as things progress, and we appreciate your understanding and input!
Marie Reckendrees
Markus Dummermuth supported this idea ·
41 votes
Markus Dummermuth supported this idea ·
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Auch die farbliche Darstellung in der Bestellübersicht und Detailübersicht mit dem blauen, grünen, grauen Punkt ist viel schlechter als es vorher war mit den grösseren farblichen Flächen.
Die Liefer- und Rechnungsadresse muss einfach markiert und kopiert werden können (Copy Button?). Mit 6.4. war dies noch einfach möglich.
Mit 6.5 fehlt die Übersicht und es ist alles auf verschiedenen Tabs verteilt. Meine Produktivität leidet stark darunter.
Lasst doch den Kunden wählen ob er das neue oder alte Design haben möchte.
Also the color display in the order overview and detail overview with the blue, green, grey dot is much worse than it was before with the larger colored areas.
It must be possible to simply select and copy the delivery and billing address (copy button?). This was still possible with 6.4.
With 6.5 there is no overview and everything is spread over different tabs. My productivity suffers greatly as a result.
Let the customer choose whether they want the new or old design.