21 results found
translation of paypal button
Der PayPal Button "Später Bezahlen" im Checkout und Warenkorb wird immer auf deutsch angezeigt, auch wenn die Sprache vom Kunden geändert wurde. Hier sollten Textbausteine angeboten werden oder Buttons in der jeweiligen Sprache bereitgestellt werden.
1 voteThe behavior described is known to us from other customers, but unfortunately cannot be influenced by us. Please contact PayPal and ask for the activation of “Cross Border Messaging”.
Separate role permission to deactivate the dashboard statistics
At the moment the dashboard statistics are bound to the permission to see the orders. If a role just need the right to work with the orders, and the merchant does not want, that the role member is able to look at the statistics, he has no way to configure this.
It would be nice to have a permission to deactivate the statistics or the complete dashboard to a role.
1 voteWe will remove the dashboard statistics and will integrate a proper rights and role management to the planned statistics. Feel free to check the progress on that on the public roadmap: https://www.shopware.com/de/roadmap/
App System: Custom CMS elements
What we need:
It would be wonderful if there could be a way to provide custom CMS elements in apps.Why we need this:
We always want to offer our customers the best possible solutions in our themes, including sales-promoting CMS elements. Due to limitations in the app system, we can currently only do this in our extensions based on the plugin system. Since we also offer our extensions on the basis of the app system, this results in an "unnecessary" duplication and "maintenance effort". A single, unified app is highly desirable.The app system lacks the possibility to provide…
4 votesThanks for your contribution.
Adding your own CMS elements via Apps is possible with the shopware version 6.4.17. It is possible to create new CMS elements via the Admin Extension SDK for both plugins and apps. Read the following docs article: https://developer.shopware.com/docs/guides/plugins/plugins/content/cms/add-cms-element-via-admin-sdk
If you have any suggestions or improvements towards our approach, feel free to reach out to us.
Thank you.
In registration: option to make VAT field mandatory depending on selected country
As B2B merchant I want to have VAT field only mandatory for B2B users outside Germany.
Within Germany it should be optional to filled out.2 votes -
Change email adress in customer login
customers are able to change the email adress in the customer login/account oneselves.
2 votes -
Extend symfony services with app scripts
It would really increase the possibilty for app developers if every symonfy service can be extended with an App script.
In detail every public funtion of a symfony service should be extendable by App scripts before and after.
This would make much more features possible to implement with Apps comparing now.4 votesWe are not planning to expose every Symfony service with App Scripts, because we want to improve stability and maintainability for extension manufacturers, especially across major versions.
We understand that the usage of app scripts is more limiting than simply overriding or decorating existing PHP services. In order to accommodate for the extension points that you need, we ask you to provide us with the specific scenarios (e.g. altering tax calculation, adding data to order line items) so we can build the most stable and expressive API for that.
Increase possibilities for app developers by making every symonfy event accessable with app script hooks
It would really increase the possibilty for app developers if every symonfy event can be accessed with an app hook.
This would make much more features possible to implement with Apps comparing now.3 votes -
Orders without budgets and contingents
As a debtor, I want to have contact with as less restrictions as possible. At the moment a contact needs an assigned budget AND an assigned contingent to place an order. Make it possible to place an order WITHOUT an assigned contingent and budget.
2 votesThis functionality is already available through B2B Components, which allows orders without requiring assigned budgets or contingents.
Thanks for the feedback!
A/B Testing
Add native functionality for A/B testing, maybe based on rules.
Potential interesting areas:
- Category pages
- Product sorting
- Product detail pages
- Landingpages
- Checkout steps11 votes -
Identify different sales channels of a customer
Customers of shop owners not only place orders in the store, but also by phone or fax. Orders that were not placed via the store but via other channels should be easy to import, identify and also evaluate in B2B Suite, e.g. with the help of statistics.
1 voteBased on our current knowledge of the importance of this idea we will not focus on it in the near future.
Safari browser performance
Safari on Mac has really poor performance. Seeing it's currently the second-most-used browser globally, we should prioritize Safari more. Some detail pages aren't usable because of loading issues. (This is being worked on atm)
1 voteWe released a performance optimization/fix in Dec 2022 that solves most of the current issues with Safari.
For now idea is closed. Feel free to add more feedback if something occurs to you regarding Safari. For Bugs please relate to our issuetracker: https://issues.shopware.com/
Shopware as a marketplace tool
As a shop owner I want to use Shopware as a market place
so that merchants have the option to sell their goods through a platform.3 votesWe are currently not planning to set up Shopware as a market place.
To connect your store to several market places you can search for plugins or apps within our store.
Implement an event-/ticket system to help merchants sell events and or tickets within one system.
A current struggle oftentimes is, that mixed baskets lead to difficulties in configurations.3 votesCurrently this will not be covered by Shopware. Most merchants using a Ticketsystem/selling events do have individual requirements that would be difficult to cover for a broad target group.
Parallax Effect for CMS
Add Parallax Effect for CMS
2 votesCurrently we don't see a need here. If this changes, we might remove the Status "Declined".
Custom Products - Full Screen Wizard
Support of fill screen wizard for enhancing UX of custom products
2 votesWe currently don't see a need here. This might change in the future when this idea get's more interest.
We recommend taking a look in our store, there might be apps for this.
Custom Products Designer
A possibility for the end customers to "design" the product, e.g. adding and customizing fonts, images etc directly on the product image.
2 votesWe currently don't see a need here. This might change in the future when this idea get's more interest.
We recommend taking a look in our store, there might be apps for this.
Generate PDFs of shop data
It should be possible to generate PDFs out of the admin of selected shop data (Products, Orders etc.) and make it downloadable.
2 votesNot enough use cases
Management of "Basic information" (Stammdaten) / Brands
Currently its not possible to maintain all data of the shop (address, banking etc.) centrally and display it flexibly in documents, imprint, mail templates...2 votesThis problem does only apply to a very niche target group and is mainly useful if a customer does want to try out new markets "quick and dirty".
Usually, there are other processes and concepts in place to handle those main information and merchants do not need additional small configuration help within the shopware admin to represent their company structure setting in terms of addresses.
Ticketsystem / Support Desk
As shop owner i want to handle my customer communication in a support system to keep track about my incoming inquiries
1 vote -
Guided selling - product advisor
As a shop owner, I want to give my customers the option to find the right product by offering a step-by-step guide that shows filtered product results based on the answers of the customer.
1 voteThis is not a topic that we will prioritize anytime soon. There are plenty of vendors out there that offer solutions for it already that can be easily integrated into a shop. The main part is not the guide the customers sees but the management and analytics dashboard so the merchant can continuously create, manage, analyze and optimize the guide.
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