105 results found
Compliance with the EU standard on eInvoicing till 2025
Please research about whether or not we should implement ZUGFeRD or x-invoice into Shopware and if yes, on how to implement it. Maybe this could be a good starting point (German only): https://stachowitz-medien.de/e-rechnungen/.
Please also think about communication if we will not implement this into Shopware.
46 votesWe are currently developing a solution to create e-invoices with Shopware 6.
B2B Components - Order confirmation
It should be possible to define whether a contact or the debtor should receive mails just as order confirmations (for example).
Currently, by default, only the debtor is receiving such mails.
32 votes -
B2B Components - Allow default permissions for new accounts or customer groups
There should be an option to set default permissions for new user accounts, perhaps based on customer group assignment. Currently the only way to automatically enable B2B Components features is through a custom registration form.
4 votes -
B2B: Enable sending quotes from shop owner to B2B customer
Some users of the B2B Components need the option to create offers, i.e. initialized by the store operator and not by the B2B customer. Up to now, this has only been possible when the customer logs in, which is not very user-friendly. The request is therefore: Please make it possible for store operators to easily send offers to their B2B customers.
In addition, it would be nice if store customers were informed about changes to their B2B status after the store operator has made a decision (e.g. we have activated the shopping lists for you).DE
Einige Nutzer der…7 votes -
B2B: Gift function with certificate upload and reporting
In B2B context, companies can buy products as gifts. Up to 50€ per person and year can be gifted taxfree.
It would be great, if Shopware offers this gift functionality including a certificate upload (proof) and a reporting function, that gives the company an overview of the gifts of a specific time range.
3 votes -
B2B Components - shopping list and custom products
Configured custom products can be added to the shopping list. However, the configuration of the item is not included. This should definitely be corrected.
6 votes -
Maintain Cost Centres for Employees in B2B Components
Would be realy nice to manage cost centres on the employee level in the B2B Components, or as a drop down of connected cost centres in the check out
6 votes -
B2B Components – Presets for roles
Currently, customers have to create each role for their employees. Most customers don't want to deal with all the roles and permissions.
It should be possible for shop owners to define common roles as a preset.
1 vote -
Option for B2B Components to send the e-mail to the employee
At the moment, e-mails from B2B Components are always sent to the e-mail address of the customer account. It would be nice if it were possible for the customer to set that emails are also sent to the employee's email address.
2 votes -
Send "Forgot Password" email to customer for B2B components
If an employee forgets their password and wants to reset it, a standard flow is triggered. This flow does not recognize that the person is an employee of a customer, so the email can only be sent to the administrator.
7 votes -
Add a "budget functionality" to the B2B Components
The permission management of the B2B Components does not properly fill out the function of managing budgets for each B2B Components user.
Someone needs to keep track on how much a customer has bought and if his/her budget is spent.
They also need to know how high the budget is with no indication of that being given via our B2B Components.I good way to solve this would be to build a budget functionality as in the B2B Suite.
That would make it easier to keep track of the budget and it would reduce the amount of controlling.4 votes -
B2B Components: Add communication in the offer to the order
Communication of an offer should be visible later in the order. This makes it easier for everyone to understand how the order and the prices came about.
2 votes -
B2B Components: Note in the offer
Within the offer, it should be possible to leave internal notes for individual arrangements so that other employees are also informed about the background.
2 votes -
Create shopping lists out of the cart overview
As a merchant/customer, I now have the ability to add items to my wishlist in the cart overview but not to a shopping list.
Adding the ability to add items to a shopping list right out of the cart would be beneficial.3 votes -
Offers: Reservation of articles
To ensure that items listed in an offer are not sold out in the meantime, these items should be automatically reserved by the system.
2 votes -
Include search bar in the order overview
In the shopping list overview, you can see a ‘small’ search which helps you to find your way around larger lists.
We would like this ‘small’ search bar and its functionality to also be used on the order overview. It should also be possible to search for article numbers there, as is already the case with the shopping list, and also be able to search for order numbers as an additional extension.
3 votes -
B2B Components -> Activate shopping lists for all customers?
We would like to activate the B2B Components shopping lists for all existing customers.
Is this not intended, the documentation only mentions that this must be activated per customer:
The feature is not listed in the settings for the customer groups, where you can activate global settings for the components. This should also be the case.
3 votes -
Automatically adjust the width of the window in the B2B module to the size of the window/screen
The width of the window in the B2B module should automatically adapt to the size of the screen and not have a fixed width of 960 px as it does now. Editing the offers is almost impossible with constant scrolling.
1 vote -
B2B: Add option to product detail page like cost center, project, etc.
It would be great, if B2B store would have the option to add selection or comment fields on product detail pages.
This could be used, so that buyers can directly select the cost center or the project, which the product is bought for. This information could then be automatically integrated into the invoices, saving a lot of manually effort for the finance department.
1 vote -
Add support for authorities
Authorities should be handled as B2B customers, but they don't have a VAT-ID. So, it's currently impossible to register a new account for authorities and have vat-id validation turned on.
It would be nice to have a third option besides "private" and "company", which would be a B2B account without a VAT-ID, while "company" would still be validated for a correct VAT-ID.
1 vote
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