Storage stock alert / warning via Email
Storage stock alert / warning via Email:
- Minimum stock per item can be defined
- daily notification of affected items
In Shopware 5 there was a function to define a minimum stock per article. If this was undercut, the system sent an email message to the admin so that the stocks could be replenished.

Sonja Brosch commented
In any case, it would be important to be able to manage reorder points and be notified when they are too low. Preferably also filterable for tagged variants/articles. Shopware 6 is so little designed for end users and practitioners... What a pity
Es wäre auf jeden Fall wichtig, dass man Meldebestände verwalten kann und sich dann benachrichtigen lässt, wenn zu niedrig. Am besten auch auf getaggte Varianten/Artikel filterbar. Shopware 6 ist so wenig auf Enduser und Praktiker ausgelegt... Schade(Edited by admin) -
Markus Wagner commented
This should also work with variants and it has to be in the "Community Edition".