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Shopware 6 - Product Feedback & Ideas

Interested in a direct exchange?Are you interested in a direct exchange about your business case? We would be happy to learn more about your daily business and its requirements. For this purpose, we offer you the opportunity to discuss this directly with our product management team. Book your appointment right here:Book an appointmentDo you have a specific request that you would like to tell us about? Then the following feedback portal is the right place for you.

This is the space where you can share your ideas and feedback about Shopware 6.

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Shopware 6 - Product Feedback & Ideas


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18 results found

  1. If a guest visitor is in a guest session and goes through the checkout process up to the order confirmation page (/checkout/confirm), but then decides to create an account, they currently have to return to the shop (i.e., leave the checkout). However, there is no direct option to register there, as the guest session is still active and would need to be ended first.

    An inexperienced user might not immediately realize this and, in the worst case, abandon the purchase.

    Additionally, if a visitor in a guest session manually accesses the login page (/account/login), the registration form is displayed and…

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  2. We are looking to improve the main navigation (left sidebar) in the Shopware Administration to make it clearer, more intuitive, and more efficient. This includes aspects such as structure, design, and functionality.

    What challenges do you currently face with the navigation? Are there specific aspects that you find inconvenient or would like to see improved? What features would help you work more efficiently?

    Your feedback is essential in helping us shape a navigation experience that best supports your workflow!

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  3. EN

    If a separate layout has been designed for some products, for example because these products have a special property for which there should be an explanation, then I can select the products under Content > Experience worlds > Layout assignment > Assign layout. However, the selection list is limited to 25 elements. To do this, we have added a filter to filter the selection for additional products. However, this only works as long as the search terms are different.

    If I have 80 products with, for example, ‘variant’ in the name, I can only select 25, after which…

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  4. The product variant management page in Shopware 6 wastes significant screen space on larger monitors, forcing unnecessary horizontal and vertical scrolling. The table is too narrow and doesn’t adapt to the available screen size, making key information harder to access.

    Proposed Solution:

    • Dynamically resize the table to fill the available screen space.
    • Add options for compact view and column customization.
    • Enable full-screen mode for data-intensive pages. These changes will enhance usability, save time, and improve the user experience.

    Problem Description:

    The current user interface of the Shopware 6 product variant management page does not efficiently utilize the available screen space…

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  5. The Shopware Admin allows to customize the width of columns in our Product-, Order and Customer overview.
    How ever, once a user has adjusted the width to their need and they reload the overview, they have to perform those customizations over and over again from scratch.

    Saving those widths would prevent the frustration of performing the same manual adjusted and improve the user experience.

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  6. Add field validation for fields like email/name/phone etc that can be configured in the setting.

    Now someone can type anything, write text in the phone field or even just type "A" in the name field.

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  7. The selection of values within the dropdown menus in Shopware Admin is very error-prone.

    For example, if additional countries are to be added or removed within the sales channel, the menu only ever shows 25 entries and each entry has to be clicked individually. This is very error-prone and you should also be able to select/deselect “all” entries.

    This would make it easier for large customers to use the Admin, as the problem occurs at various points in the Admin.

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  8. If Shopware uses the hamburger menu (i.e. on small screens and windows), the navigation menu is confusing.

    It works on the homepage, because you can see the different categories.

    If you are on a product page, you see “Back” and “Show [category name]” in the menu.

    This is very confusing because you are used to the navigation menu being the same on all pages. In addition, you can't immediately see which categories the online store has.

    If you have a "About us" and a "Contact" page in the menu, visitors do not see it, which costs a lot of trust.

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  9. In our Admin we have several overview pages to check the products, orders and customers. These pages offer filtering based on different information. Currently you can only select single values in the filter.

    For instance if you want to create filter, that only shows the products assigned to 24 of your 25 Saleschannels, you will need to select all 24 salechannels individually.

    It would be more convenient, if we had a "Select All" button, where I can afterwards deselect the one Saleschannel, which I do not want in the results.

    There are multiple filter options where this could be very…

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  10. Currenty, Showpare (default skin) does not reliably display error messages on missing or wrong form fields when submitted by the users, e.g.

    • When logging in with wrong credentials
    • When registering an account (most fields)
    • When using the newsletter registration form.

    Shopware will highlight the fields in red and there are internal attributes (data-form-validation-required-messag) on the fields that do contain error messages, but these are not displayed reliably to the user. There seems to be something in place that will sometimes client-validate those error messages and display them, but that hardly happens / seems broken. (Not a bug accordinging to Shopware…

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  11. Currently not all icons from the meteor icon set are supported to be used within the storefront.

    It would be awesome, to add all available icons from the meteor icon set into the storefront icon assets under "src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/icon".

    This would allow every Shopware system to use all meteor icons with the sw_icon component.

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  12. Currently the slider "Hide inactive extensions" in the "My Extension" overview in the admin is deactivated after every reload. It would be way more convenient if this setting would be saved instead of having to reactivate this function after every reload.

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  13. There’s a great opportunity to enhance the user experience in our administration modules by refining error handling. Currently, some users encounter cryptic messages like "Oops, that didn't work" or technical jargon that's hard to understand. By improving clarity and providing more helpful guidance, we can make these notifications more user-friendly and accessible. Addressing these issues will make troubleshooting smoother for all users, and it would be great to revisit this area to bring more clarity and support to error messages.

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  14. Add possibility to reorder selected items/entities. Needed for plugin configs or smaller UI at cms elements, without the need to implement a list of items with sorting options.


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  15. It would be great, if the Feedback button, which is shown prominently on the Dashboard of every Admin, would lead to a location, where you can actually share your generel feedback.

    Currently you are forwarded to the Github Issues overview, which makes more the impression like technical bugs are reported here.

    This feedback portal would be the better choice in my opinion.

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    0 comments  ·  User Experience  ·  Admin →
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  16. The default country should be preselected during registration, or at least there should be an option to set this.

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  17. The address settings in the country configuration should have an effect on the registration form.
    The current order is always street, town, zip code. For Germany, for example, the correct order would be: street, zip code, town.

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  18. Right now, you can force SW to list as many items as you want in a category. Having 96 items on a category page may look good on desktop, but it slows down the mobile view by at least 2 seconds.
    So, it would be a great feature to split the product listing view into Devices. For example, there are 24 items on mobile and 96 items on desktop.
    User and Pagespeed would appreciate that.

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