156 results found
Blog with Custom Entities
Blogs are an excellent way for businesses to tell stories and generate more traffic around their products. Currently, running a blog requires external setups, which often need coding skills, manual workflows and are disconnected from the shop system. Therefore we will provide an integrated blog functionality as a first example of using custom entities. This will enable merchants to write content, design and publish blog posts without coding skills.
55 votes -
Replacing the sw-text-editor editor
It would be a great Idea to schedule the replacement of the sw-text-editor by a better editor like Tiptap as it is mentioned in the architectural desicion report: https://developer.shopware.com/docs/resources/references/adr/2023-03-27-admin-text-editor-evaluation.html
60 votes -
Delete media - folders get not removed
If a medium is deleted manually in Contents > Media, the folder path, e.g.
, is retained, only the file is removed. The same phenomenon also occurs when deleting/clearing up via Command line. Even if each directory only takes up a small amount of space, many empty directories quickly accumulate, which means that a lot of unnecessary space is taken up.Please also remove the directories when cleaning up.
Wenn ein Medium in Inhalte > Medien manuell gelöscht wird, bleibt der Ordnerpfad z.B.
erhalten, nur die Datei wird entfernt. Das gleiche Phänomen tritt auch auf, wenn die Löschung…11 votes -
Improve inheritance
Many fields shouldn't be inherited from the main language, e.g. meta title, meta description or image titles and alt texts. If no translation is entered for these, it would be better if meta description, image titles and alt text would fall back to the product name. And meta description doesn't need a fall back at all.
Inheriting these fields from the main language only leads to problems. In our case, the main language is german. If we sell a product on our english sales channel as well, there's no way we will ever need german meta data for that channel.
3 votes -
Default layout specific for different sales channels
We have been waiting for this feature for a long time, a category layout created by us set as default layout, super, mega, awesome since SW6...... however, this category layout is applied to all our sales channels. This is unfortunately impractical as we have three different brand stores, and the category layouts can and should be visually different from each other.Example:
Store 1 has custom category layout for its category pages
Store 2 has custom category layout for its category pages
Store 3 has custom category layout for its category pages
Wir haben, ein von uns…3 votes -
Drafting: Create a draft state of your changes
Users cannot currently create and manage a comprehensive draft state for changes across their storefronts. This makes it difficult to plan, test, or iterate on updates without affecting the live environment. As a result, merchants may delay changes, work in risky live environments, or rely on inefficient workarounds — increasing the likelihood of errors and reducing agility in campaign or content management.Solution:
Create and manage a draft state for all kinds of changes in Shopware before publishing them live. This allows you to bundle multiple updates, such as content, design, and promotions, into a draft, enabling safe workflows…2 votes -
Shopping experiences: "Topseller" sort for product-slider
There are different values for sorting within the configuration of the product slider. The ‘Topseller’ selection is missing at this point, which would result in a further and useful customisation of the configuration. This would make sense at this point and is requested by customers.
7 votes -
replace Tiny Slider as the default slider
The current default slider integration with tinyslider seems not be maintained anymore.
It would be good to switch to a maintained slider lib again as tinyslider has a multitude of issues, espacially with accessibilty and it is not really customizable.4 votes -
Change size and location of CMS blocks dynamically
At the moment the size and the location of CMS blocks in the shopping experiences a fixed. The only options to change the size is to switch the display mode.
It would be great to dynamically change the sizes and not to be limited by the fixed bounds.
2 votes -
Copying CMS content - reusable elements
It would be nice to have the option of copying elements from the shopping experiences and using them in a different place.
Example: We have the "XY" section in the start page - this should be filled and customised once and then copied in the next step and used in another page.
23 votes -
Change sorting of product slider
- I added a product slider via Content > Experience Worlds (???) > Landing Pages.
- I added products to the slider.
- I cannot change the order of the products in the slider but need to delete all products and start over again.
Solution: It should be easily possible to change the sort order of products listed in the product slider without starting over again.
27 votes -
Missing way to reset / delete translations and reactivate inheritance
If you use language inheritance (for example Italian and Swiss-Italian as inherited language) you can select both languages in the administration.
In order to use the inheritance you have to enter the Italian Translation first. It will inherit to Swiss-Italian.
If you ever (accidentally) save a translation for Swiss-Italian there is no way to revert to language inheritance for the record you saved. If you ever need to update the record you will always have to save it in Italian and in Swiss-Italian.
There should be a way to delete the translation and reactivate the inheritance
18 votes -
Show YouTube video directly in fullscreen mode
Die Vollbild-Option für YouTube Videos ist deaktiviert, sofern man Video erst nach Bestätigung durch den User laden auf aktiv gesetzt hat. Es wäre jedoch schön wenn man sich das Video direkt im Vollbildmodus angucken könnte.–
The full-screen option for YouTube videos is disabled if you've set the option to "Only load videos after user confirmation." However, it would be nice to be able to watch the video directly in full-screen mode.1 vote -
Customizable popups & notifications - Allow text formatting (bold, italics, etc.)
The "Custom Popups & Notifications" plugin (SwagCustomNotification) created by Shopware should allow the formatting of text via HTML tags or similar means (Markup).
Currently when markup tags or HTML tags like <b> are added to the snippet, it is simply printed in the front end without modifying the text accordingly.
2 votes -
YouTube Shorts integration
YouTube videos can already be integrated into Shopping Experiences via the YouTube video element, but YouTube shorts are not yet supported by this element.
1 vote -
Additional image information for use in experience worlds
Additional image information for use in experience worlds
If an image is used within an experience world, no further details such as storage location, size etc. are displayed for this image.
However, this is important if you are working with different versions of images or if you want to replace the image 1:1 in terms of size. The latter would only be possible with great difficulty in this case, as information about the image is missing.
1 vote -
Exclude folders in the media manager from auto-deletion
Currently, there is a scheduled task running (CleanupUnusedDownloadMediaTask) which deletes unused media and basically runs media:delete-unused.
It would be nice if we provided an option - probably best in the media manager - to set folders to be excluded from that task, maybe in the folder settings.
8 votes -
Elle theme wish list - mobile view
The link to the wish list is blue in the mobile view and black in all other views (desktop, for example).
The colour should be uniform or adjustable by default.1 vote -
Use image URLs in Shopping Experience layouts
Currently it is only possible to add images to shopping experience layouts when the those files are uploaded in Shopwares Media Folder. How ever, when external systems like PIMs are used for the product data management, including pictures, it would be convinient to just add a the image URL from the external system into the shopping experience image block. This could look simular to how Youtube and Vimeo videos are integrated, where you also simply add the URL to the file.
This is technically already possible with an HTML element, but since not everyone is familiar with working with HTML,…
1 vote -
CMS block banner - extend settings
At the moment it is not possible to make any design settings for the CMS block banner (text and image with button). Please add customization options like:
Minimum height in px
Button color independent of theme settings
The possibility to display more than one button in a line.At the moment you cannot change the height of the background image or the text element to adjust the display size in the frontend.
2 votes
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