67 results found
It should be optionally possible to create orders only after the payment has been successful.
Es soll optional möglich sein, Bestellungen erst dann zu erstellen, wenn die Zahlung erfolgreich war. Wenn der Bezahlvorgang abbricht, soll auch der Bestellvorgang abbrechen.
It should be optionally possible to create orders only after the payment has been successful. If the payment process is aborted, the order process should also be aborted.
3 votes -
Add "Show password" button to registration form and account profile
It's currently not possible to see the password you've entered when registering or changing your existing password in your account profile
3 votes -
maintain products in shopping-cart as long as a payment was not completed. (or succes page was not reached).
Currently when a user cannot complete a payment, he returns to the checkout page with the only option to choose a different payment method.
However: if the user thenleaves the checkout the cart is cleared (= is made empty).
I do not believe that a failed payment automatically cancels the intention of the user to buy what-ever they have put in te cart.
This way you loose potential purchases, when some users are only looking to make some adjustments before continuing to eventually complete the purchase (payment).
I believe it is better to always maintain the full content of the…
9 votes -
Prefill register form with inferred and previously filled values
For a smoother checkout experience, it would be great to pre-fill some of the fields on the registration form.
The country field could be inferred from the context language.
When selecting an alternate shipping address, most or all fields can be pre-filled with values previously entered as the billing address.This feature should be optional and can be toggled via administration.
2 votes -
Show unit price in checkout
Within the /checkout/confirm page the unit price of each line item should be displayed - instead of just the "(incl. / excl.) VAT" and the "total" columns, as it is currently the case.
2 votes -
Add address validation options
It would be useful to have the ability to validate addresses inserted by customers against rules that can be defined in the Admin area for each country. Perhaps something like a regex validation.
This would allow for filtering of invalid characters, to validate the syntax in certain countries or in case of international shipping the filtering of entire character sets (i.e. Greek, Cyrillic, Chinese, Japanese). This helps with the creation of shipping labels and especially the latter use case would make it easier for shop owners to ship their products to those countries.
2 votes -
Delivery time display: Option to exclude specific days
It would be a nice option to have the possibility to exclude Sundays for example from the delivery time calculation. Of course, we can already cover this with the delivery time SPAN and NAME of the delivery method, saying 1-3 WORKdays or something.
But it would be a nice QoL feature, especially for customers, if the calculation took days we defined into the equation and could thus be more specific.
If we wanted to take this a step further, we could also offer a calendar where we can configure holidays and whatnot.
And if we want to take this to…
19 votes -
Enable non deletable discounts
It is currently possible to delete discounts from your cart and the checkout.
This behaviour could lead to customers accidentally deleting discounts via the "X" that they are obliged to.
Mandatory or non deletable discounts could solve this problem.
Why would a customer want to delete a discount from his/her cart?2 votes -
Subscriptions: Mixed carts
Mixed carts allow customers to make both subscriptions and one-time purchases in a single checkout process. Previously, subscriptions could only be completed separately. By combining these options, it enhances upselling opportunities and improves the shopping experience for users by simplifying and adding flexibility to the purchasing process.
8 votes -
Add newsletter subscription checkbox on account registration
Add the ability to activate newsletter subscribe checkbox on the account registration (/account/login and /checkout/register). So a switch in the admin settings (probably Log-in & sign-up or Newsletter), when it's turned on, a checkbox in the registration pages appear to subscribe for the newsletter, just above the CTA.
1 vote -
One page checkout
There should be an option to make a one page checkout. If you use express checkout buttons customers often do not realize that there are other payment options like purchase on account.
Showing the payment methods under the address form would make the checkout faster and more usable.
It would boost conversions. If it would not, why is Shopify using it?
3 votes -
Add help text regarding "intra-community delivery" labels
Add help text to
This checkbox in documents settings
Help text should say something like “Eligible only for EU member states, see countries settings”
This switch field in country settings
Help text should say something like “Switch on to enable the display of the “intra-community delivery” label on order documents”
1 vote -
Delivery country in OffCanvas in shopping cart
The delivery country should be displayed in the offcanvas cart too or it should be an option for this.
This gives customers a better overview. In addition, this is sometimes requested by large customers without having to carry out an extra customisation.
The problem with customisation is always the ability to update.
1 vote -
Shipping discount is not shown on cart for guest costumer - despite it is valid - because shipping price could not be calcutlated yet
Shipping discount is not shown on cart for guest costumer - despite it is valid - because shipping price could not be calcutlated yet:
The problem is shown on this video:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Sv10CDDRhwGwWvFdUqnb-KBuFCzkA2_Y/view?usp=sharingTHE PROBLEM:
Our customer works with different shipping prices per postal code.
Therefor shipping cost can only be calculated wen a costumer has provided his postal code.When we now have a discount for shipping, the shopping dart does not display it.
When a user enters a voucher/coupon code for it, the shopping cart does not show any notion, that has been applied or not.This is problematic…
2 votes -
Country switch in shopping cart
I noticed that, when I enter the shopping cart and select a different country, the standard shipping remains preselected, although it should switch to that for the respective countries. When entering the address at the checkout, however, only the correct shipping method can be selected again, which means that customers might be initially confused. Maybe a fix for that would be nice
5 votes -
Basic price always visible in cart
Add an option to have the basic price always visible in the cart, even if the basic unit and the sales unit are equal.
Füge eine Option hinzu, den Grundpreis immer im Warenkorb anzuzeigen, auch wenn die Grundeinheit und Verkaufseinheit übereinstimmen.
1 vote -
Add products with graduated prices directly to the shopping cart at listing level
For products with graduated prices, these cannot be added directly to the shopping cart at listing level. As soon as graduated prices are defined, “Details” appears at listing level instead of “Add to shopping cart”.
3 votes -
custom fields for checkout and invoice
We need custom fields so the customer is able to insert a reference or his external order number. This field should also be displayed in the invoice
4 votes -
Cross selling and upselling at cart
The products linked in "Cross Selling" tab should also optional appear at cart / checkout, based on all products at cart.
The merchant should set the appropriate Cross Selling title.
And: the merchant should be set max products showing at the cart (e.g. 5). Should also work for off-canvas cart.15 votes -
Shopping cart display “Delivery time” on oldest date
Partial deliveries within orders are often excluded, which is why only the oldest delivery period within the items is important. There should therefore be an option to display only the oldest delivery period in the shopping cart.
Otherwise, the only alternative would be to completely deactivate the delivery period display.
3 votes
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