180 results found
Optionally, the net prices should remain the same, even if there are other taxes in other countries.
Currently, the net price changes if you offer products in other countries with different taxes. The gross price remains the same.
There should be an option to decide for yourself whether the net price remains the same with a variable gross price, or whether the gross price remains the same with a variable net price.
49 votes -
Plugin swag.Custom Products: Multilingual Image Upload for Selection Options
We propose enabling multilingual image uploads for selection options. Currently, only a single image can be stored without language variations. Many images, however, include text that is language-specific.
Key Features:
Language-Specific Images: Add upload fields for each language to ensure localized content.
Fallback Support: Use a default image if no language-specific version is available.3 votes -
Set product sorting permanently.
The sorting under Catalogs - Products cannot currently be changed permanently. For example, if sorting by the creation date is desired, it must always be triggered manually and cannot be defined per user.
7 votes -
Product delivery time vs. shipping method delivery time
The delivery time of a product overwrites the delivery time of the shipping method. However, this is not helpful if the delivery time of the shipping method exceeds the delivery time of the product, as a delivery time that is not possible is then displayed.
It would be helpful if the higher delivery time is used in each case.3 votes -
Breadcrumb missing for dynamic product groups - categories / Breadcrumb fehlt bei dynamischen Produktgruppen - Kategorien
Wir nutzen die SW Funktion dynamische Produktgruppen, um automatisiert eine große Anzahl an Artikeln einer Kategorie zuzuordnen. Das funktioniert hervorragend, hat jedoch einen kleinen Fehler im Gepäck.
Leider wird kein Breadcrumb erzeugt, welcher für die SEO und Usability relevant wäre, wenn die Artikel auf diese Weise der Kategorie zugeordnet werden.
Dies klingt zunächst logisch, da der Artikel nicht direkt sondern nur dynamisch zugeordnet wurde, allerdings konnten wir mit einem Plugin einen Breadcrumb automatisch erzeugen.
Die erforderlichen Informationen sind also vorhanden, der Breadcrumb wurde bei der Entwicklung der dynamischen Produktgruppen vermutlich nur nicht berücksichtigt.Es wäre aus Sicht der SEO und…
4 votes -
Filter: Immediately available
Add the popular filter from shopware 5 "Immediately available" (Sofort lieferbar) for the listing.
12 votes -
Searching and editing variant properties
A store with many variant-forming properties cannot search efficiently for the required property set. For example, if I have the property black several times and now want to add a variant in white, I get all such properties displayed by searching for “black”, but the matching “white” is missing. I then have to scroll through step by step and check when a property set has multiple properties selected. Even with more than 10 pages, this becomes a tedious task, as I can neither enter “Go to page 26” nor search specifically for the name of the set. An improved…3 votes -
Configuration of the display of cross-selling (Shopping Experiences)
Within the cross-selling configuration or the ‘Shopping Experiences’, it should be possible to select different positions for the different cross-sellings.
This would allow the product detail page to be quickly customised even without individual programming.
3 votes -
Bulk edit variants: enable change of cover image
If you filtered some variants by a property i.e. color, the bulk edit has no setting to select another Coverimage for products with selected properties. This would be helpful to avoid unnecessary work.
2 votes -
predefined periods for products / add an expiration date
In Shopware 6 it would be very useful if it were possible to activate products for a set period of time.
Since there is already a “release date”, it would be very useful to add an end to it.
In certain sectors, products may only be offered for a period of time x, e.g. for pesticides as these have approvals with an end date.
2 votes -
Links and downloads input for products
In sw5 there was a tab where you could enter links and downloads.
Would be nice to have this as standard in SW6.It would also be nice for the function to take over this maintained data when migrating from SW5 to SW6.
11 votes -
Language selection in different modules: Show only active languages
In different modules (e.g. products, worlds of experience) you can maintain the translation via the change (pull-down menu).
Many languages are displayed that are not used at all. For a better overview, it would make more sense, for example, to only display languages that are active or have been assigned to the sales channel.
Otherwise it quickly becomes confusing and leads to longer processing times.
3 votes -
Selling unit should have more than 3 Decimal places
For example, if you use kilograms as the scale unit and want to enter 21.6 grams, the value is rounded to 0.022, as you can only enter 3 decimal places.
3 votes -
Bulk edit product cover image
Currently you can bulk edit product media, so you can add images for multiple products at once. However this does not effect / set the cover image. Therefore it would be great if there is an option in the bulk edit to set an image as cover image for multiple products at once.
7 votes -
For cross-selling top sellers as a sorting option
With cross-selling, if you assign products via a dynamic product group, you can assign various sorting options to it.
With these sorting options, you cannot select Topseller as a sorting option, although Topseller is a maintained sorting in the standard system.5 votes -
Custom fields for property group options
Forum thread: https://forum.shopware.com/t/zusatzfelder-fur-eigenschaften/64068/7
Issue Ticket that is "solved": https://issues.shopware.com/issues/NEXT-3710We need custom fields support for property group options. That was possible in Shopware 5 according to the linked issue ticket.
Also, the issue ticket asked for property_options specifically and the ticket was marked as solved without adding custom fields to those.
Please add that missing feature.
4 votes -
Product export - Inactive items and items with no stock in CSV
In a product export, inactive items and articles with no stock that are included in the dynamic product group are not exported.
2 votes -
Variant in listing without general display of variants in the listing
It is currently not possible to display a single variant in the listing without changing the entire storefront display so that the product is displayed by properties.
An option to display individual variants without generally changing the display of the product would be very helpful for many customers.2 votes -
Improve loading times (for example by using correct values for the sizes attribute of thumbnails)
Shopware uses wrong values for the sizes attribute of thumbnails. Therefore bigger images are downloaded than shown. This increases the loading times.
It is not useful to download a thumbnail of 400 x 400 pixels if you show an image with 200 x 200 pixels.
If this is fixed you no longer need https://store.shopware.com/en/frosh56163799233f/lazysizes-and-lazyloading-for-suitable-image-sizes.html.
Shopware shows images of 430 x 430 pixels on product detail pages by default. Therefore thumbnails with 430 x 430 pixels should be created. On product detail pages the 400 x 400 pixels big thumbnails are not used for the normal product images and way…
4 votes -
Total of all products without list prices
There should be a condition in the rulebuilder for the total sum of all products that not have a list price. So that promotions can refer exclusively to non-discounted products.
1 vote
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