Add new address on change
Let's say a customer uses one the same address as default delivery and default billing address. If editing this particular address through the administration and either(!) clicking
"Set as default delivery address"
"Set as default billing address"
it automatically marks this one address as default delivery and default billing address anyways - most likely because there only is one address.
In this case it would be nice, if we could automatically add a new address if the only address available is being edited and used for either "default shipping address" OR "default billing address". So in total I would have the "original address" (before editing) and the edited one (only marked as default shipping OR default billing)

Wolfgang Gold commented
Standard Rechnungs- oder Lieferadresse darf nicht durch eine/die letzte Bestellung verändert werden, sondern nur vom Benutzer wenn sie einmal gesetzt wurde.
Standard billing or delivery address may not be changed by a/the last order, but only by the user once it has been set.(Edited by admin) -
Thomas König commented
A customer, a text wholesaler, urgently needs this because the delivery address often changes by telephone after the order has been placed.DE
Ein Kunde, Textgroßhändler benötigt das dringend da sich die Lieferadresse nach der Bestellung öfter telefonisch ändert.(Edited by admin)