Shipping discount is not shown on cart for guest costumer - despite it is valid - because shipping price could not be calcutlated yet
Shipping discount is not shown on cart for guest costumer - despite it is valid - because shipping price could not be calcutlated yet:
The problem is shown on this video:
Our customer works with different shipping prices per postal code.
Therefor shipping cost can only be calculated wen a costumer has provided his postal code.
When we now have a discount for shipping, the shopping dart does not display it.
When a user enters a voucher/coupon code for it, the shopping cart does not show any notion, that has been applied or not.
This is problematic since it gives the impression to the user that the discount or couponcode does not work.
upon entering the voucher code (as a guest customer) there is no visual indication what so ever:
- no indication that adding the code has worked.
- no indication that it did not work.
- simply nothing changes on the cart level.
The fact is that the discount itself does work, because when you continue in the checkout and provide postal code, the discount gets finally applied.
So to be clear: Technically the discount works properly;
The issue here is that nothing is visible for the guest customer in the cart that has met the conditions for the discount.
I recreated the issue on a clean recent shopware install without any costumization:
- i have set up a simple promotion discounting the dilvery with 50% upon use of coupon-code "SHIP" Try to enter the code in the cart as a guest customer and nothing happens.