Optimizing the Guest Session: Seamless Transition to Registration During Checkout
If a guest visitor is in a guest session and goes through the checkout process up to the order confirmation page (/checkout/confirm), but then decides to create an account, they currently have to return to the shop (i.e., leave the checkout). However, there is no direct option to register there, as the guest session is still active and would need to be ended first.
An inexperienced user might not immediately realize this and, in the worst case, abandon the purchase.
Additionally, if a visitor in a guest session manually accesses the login page (/account/login), the registration form is displayed and can be submitted, but it is simply cleared because the guest session is still active.
It would be beneficial if visitors/customers were more prominently offered a way to reach the login page within the guest session, possibly combined with a notice that the guest session must be ended or by automatically terminating the guest session.