Apply voucher code at the end of checkout
Currently, it's only possible to enter voucher codes in the cart.
Customers should be able to enter voucher codes in each checkout step or at least at the end of checkout at the order overview before submitting the purchase.
Nicola Neumann commented
So oft rufen uns Kunden an die nicht wissen, wo sie den Code eingeben sollen, wirklich unglaublich, dass das nicht im Checkout ermöglicht wird...
So often customers call us who don't know where to enter the code, it's unbelievable that this is not possible in the checkout...(Edited by admin) -
Marie-Louise Futterup commented
It's critical that this hasn't been prioritized yet.
Oskar Peters commented
Very important function!
Andreas Hagemann commented
In addition also the option to disable the field is useful.