Improve the block & element possibilities of the page builder
Improve the possibilities to design a page in the page builder by adding more blocks, elements and related settings.
Also, something like what was possible in SW5 with Digital Publishing Element.
Initial status update
Would also be nice to have elements which combine text and image material. This would allow the text to be translated for international sites without the collossal effort of having to create, upload and host images for every language.
Being able to use these elements as product pictures in addition to having them as CMS elements would make it a lot easier for shops that use combo elements (ie. text + picture in one).
Markus Fischer commented
Customer request: CMS elements where it is possible to determine the behaviour of the view elements contained therein in such a way that there is no difference between admin and store font.As an example:
In the product slider, the product image for a single product is partially displayed to the left of the text (for example, if the minimum width is completely removed). In the storefront, however, the image is displayed above the text. And there is no way to clearly define the behaviour.
Kundenwunsch: CMS Elemente, bei denen es möglich ist das Verhalten, darin enthaltenen Blickelemente so zu bestimmen, dass es keinen Unterschied zwischen Admin und Storefont gibt.Als Beispiel:
Im Produkt Slider wird das Produktbild bei einem einzigen Produkt teilweise links vom Text dargestellt (zum Beispiel, wenn die minimale Breite komplett entfernt wird). In der Storefront wird das Bild aber oberhalb des Textes angezeigt. Und es gibt keine Möglichkeit das Verhalten eindeutig festzulegen.---
Customer Proposal, see
Timo Reddig commented
It would be great if the layout of the gallery could be configured, "Show as grid, 4x2, 3x5, ...", "Lightbox yes/no", "Crop images square, rectangle...", ...
Timo Reddig commented
As a shop owner I want to be able to place a gallery of images in the CMS to show maybe a lot of images about my company, products and so on. To see the images in more detail, the images should be maximized on click.
Timo Reddig commented
It should be possible to can create banners and scenic layouts without the need of external graphic software or HTML knowledge, like the "Digital Publishing" element in Shopware 5.