Property Sets
As a shop owner I want to select a property set inside the products module to see a subset of all properties without selection the property groups one by one.
While we're on this topic - it would be nice to have a feature which lists which properties or property values are used and where.
Currently, this requires complicated database JOIN operations or an export of a product and an export of a property profile and merging them for evaluation purposes. This is needlessly complicated and I wager many shop owners do not have the necessary knowledge to do this in the first place, resulting in absolute messes when it comes to properties in some shops.
It would be a handy quality-of-life improvement if the Shopware Admin had a way to both show which properties are used and where exactly, linking to the products which use the property values like we do in other places of the Admin.
If we want to go a step further, there could be a function to list unused properties and property values and having a way to purge these - possibly via bulk select enabled menu.
Domenic Schimmel commented
There is currently no way to add masses of properties or variants to a product. This has to be done manually for each item individually, which can be very tedious with a large number of items
Torsten Kossmann commented
Shopware 6 fehlen zwei Dinge, die uns von einem Umstieg abhalten bzw. diesen nicht möglich machen: Eigenschaften-Sets und das hinzufüghen von Eigenschaften bei der Artikelanlage. Wir haben Artikel die keine vordefinierte Eigenschaften haben, aber Eigenschaftensets. Und in diesem unterscheiden sich die Inhalte von den Artikeln stark. Jetzt müssten wir in SW6 alle Eigenschaften anlegen, dann den Artikel, dann noch wissen welche Eigenschaften wir angelegt haben und dann auch noch alle Gruppen erwischen. Gerade die automatischen Kategorien basieren ja auf diesen Eigenschaften und wenn ich nun sage in der Kategorie sollen alle Artikel mit Eigenschaft xyz sein und ich dann aber beim Artikel diese nicht zuweise, kann der Artikel da nicht auftauchen. Zuweisen kann vergessen werden, weil keine Sets vorhanden sind. Ich versteh nicht warum Shopware dieses Alleinstellungsmerkmal nicht in der SW6 hat.
Shopware 6 lacks two things that prevent us from switching or make it impossible: Property sets and the addition of properties when creating articles. We have articles that have no predefined properties, but do have property sets. And the contents of these sets differ greatly from the articles. Now we would have to create all properties in SW6, then the article, then know which properties we have created and then also catch all groups. The automatic categories in particular are based on these properties and if I now say that all articles with property xyz should be in the category and then I do not assign them to the article, the article cannot appear there. Assigning can be forgotten because there are no sets. I don't understand why Shopware doesn't have this unique selling point in SW6.