Handling of multiple active promotions
I also created a feature ticket: https://issues.shopware.com/issues/NEXT-24673, so that the customer can follow the processing
If a shop operator has several promotions running at the same time, it is difficult to check or exclude the interactions.
A special example: For certain product groups there is a buy X get Y promotion. In addition, there is a promotion that grants a percentage discount. Correctly, the percentage promotion does not take into account the 100% discount from the previous promotion. However, the 100% discounted product is included in the total for the percentage discount, so that this product is discounted by over 100%.
Since it can be intentional that several promotions are applied at the same time, but should not be cumulated, the "Do not combine with" settings of the voucher do not help. For one rule, I have to make sure that I include it in all active promotions, but there is no way to query this case "If item already discounted, then ....".
Please check and implement how the multiple unwanted discounting can be stopped in a simple way.
Philipp Hatlapa commented
wir haben ein akutes Problem mit Shopware 6 in Bezug auf Gutscheine und wissen momentan nicht, wie wir die Einstellungen vornehmen müssen, damit alles korrekt funktioniert.
In unserem Warenwirtschaftssystem wird wie folgt kalkuliert: Wenn Kunden 60 Flaschen Wein kaufen, erhalten sie automatisch 10 % Rabatt. Zum Beispiel kosten 60 Flaschen 100 Euro, und nach Abzug des 10 % Rabatts beträgt der Preis 90 Euro. Zusätzlich haben wir derzeit eine Sommeraktion und verteilen 10 % Gutscheine. In unserem Warenwirtschaftssystem wird der zusätzliche 10 % Rabatt auf die 90 Euro angewendet, sodass die Endsumme 81 Euro beträgt.
In Shopware funktioniert dies leider nicht wie erwartet. Der zweite 10 % Rabatt wird nicht auf die 90 Euro, sondern auf die ursprünglichen 100 Euro angewendet, sodass die Endsumme 80 Euro beträgt, was nicht korrekt ist. BItte diese Funktion unbedingt erweiternEnglish:
We have an acute problem with Shopware 6 regarding promotions and currently do not know how to configure it so that everything works correctly.
Our merchandise management system calculates as follows: If customers buy 60 bottles of wine, they automatically receive a 10% discount. For example, 60 bottles cost 100 euros, and after deducting the 10% discount, the price is 90 euros. In addition, we are currently running a summer promotion and distributing 10% vouchers. In our merchandise management system, the additional 10% discount is applied to the 90 euros, so the final total is 81 euros.
Unfortunately, this does not work as expected in Shopware. The second 10% discount is not applied to the 90 euros, but to the original 100 euros, so that the final total is 80 euros, which is not correct. Please extend this function(Edited by admin)