Optional bilateral cross-selling
If a cross-selling article is currently assigned to an article, this assignment only takes place in one direction.
It would be desirable ( linked to an option(?)), if the assignment takes place on both sides, however.
So - article A is assigned article B as a cross-selling article and displayed accordingly on the detail page of article A.
However, if I now call up the detail page of article B, I would like article A to be automatically displayed as a cross-selling article at the same time.

Andreas Altenburger commented
Thanks Julian, it is very nerve-wracking and double the effort in my case to always create 2 cross sellings, for the main product and the matching spare part. A link in 2 directions would avoid the products dead end.
Bekir Mehmet Tutak commented
Also edit Cross Selling via Bulk edit or Import/Export would also be very helpful!