More fields and options in the admin grid
It should be possible to show the company and the phone number in the admin grid. And it should be possible to export the filtered date of the grid.

Philip Schilling commented
Like in the Google Ads interface I need in particular the following functionality for data tables in the backend:
1. I want to add/delete/sort the columns for data tables such as Customers, Orders, etc. The customized views shall be remembered and shal be personalizable per backend user. Example: I'd like to add the Company Name to the Customers table.
2. I want to use filters per columns to search specific data. Example: I want to filter all registered customers in a certain registration period that haven't placed any order yet.Both points must be dynamic (personalizable by the backend user) and not static). Attached you can find 2 examples from other applications.
Raymond commented
In the customer overview showing the company name is essential for us.
AdminDennis Mader (Admin, shopware AG) commented
We are currently working on a bunch of improvements for the Data table component in Shopware that will enable merchants to set custom columns, change their appearance and display order and customise every data table on a user level. Besides that, we are also looking into more advanced options like export actions, bulk editing and multi-edit. We will rework everything about data tables :)
A first prototype can be found here:
Timo Reddig commented
To get a better overview of all order that were made, it would be helpful to see the shipping and payment method in the overview table in the admin.
Timo Reddig commented
It would be great to have a more flexible grid in all views in the administration. For example, it should be able to see the company in the admin grid. Make the grid more configurable for every user, so that every user could save his favorite view.
Enable the option to create an export in the grid e.g. product module.