Compliance with the EU standard on eInvoicing till 2025
Please research about whether or not we should implement ZUGFeRD or x-invoice into Shopware and if yes, on how to implement it. Maybe this could be a good starting point (German only):
Please also think about communication if we will not implement this into Shopware.

We are currently developing a solution to create e-invoices with Shopware 6.
Raymond commented
1) Please also consider to add a field in registration or checkout: "billing email address", because the registration mail for the account could differ from billing email address.
2) Please also consider to add a toogle in registration or checkout: ZUGFeRD or x-invoice -
Marko Kühnel commented
Can you give an update, when we can use E-invoice (x-Rechnung or ZugPferd)?
Ron Kokkot commented
We need this feature too. Please investigate more time to offer a legal solution for PDF invioces.
Ryusei Hosono commented
Any updates on this topic? 2025 is very soon
Alexander Marschall commented
Scopevisio changed there Invoice PDF importing. When bugfixing this they told us there on it but we should ask our suppliers vor Zugferd Invoices......
This is quite ridiculous but time is moving on and we should get ready -
Oliver Storm commented
Regardless of the legal obligation and a long transition period, integration into Shopware would make some processes with our customers easier.
For example, the possibility of no longer having to manually compare the order with the actual goods receipt or possible price discrepancies. -
Tim Sake commented
Any updates on this topic?