Extended debugging e-mail/template dispatch
Many customers customize the email templates for their shop. It often happens that certain e-mail templates are no longer sent because, for example, variables are incorrect.
Troubleshooting the cause is then very difficult and time-consuming because:
- There are no errors in the log with indications of the cause.
- The e-mail test function still works with the e-mail template because variables are ignored.
As a result, the e-mail template and the variables have to be checked with a great deal of effort and there are a lot of support tickets for this, as customers quickly reach their limits.
In order to help customers and reduce the number of support tickets, it would therefore be useful to have extended debugging for sending emails. It should be possible to recognise from which line the e-mail dispatch fails.
This would allow the customer or the support team to name and recognise the line directly and, if necessary, find the error within seconds. This leads to less time for troubleshooting and frustration for customers.