Shopware Analytics - Beta Phase
Following the launch of the first iteration of Shopware Analytics, we are continuing to develop the next iterations, which will further enhance functionalities. Additionally, we will steadily introduce a series of new dashboards featuring more metric visualizations. These updates will be rolled out independently of Shopware minor releases, leveraging the flexibility of our App-based service.
We invite you to explore the new features of Shopware Analytics and share your feedback. Your insights and feedback will be considered during development to ensure continuous improvement.
Here you can find the original feedback, which was the base of the first iteration:
We already started the further development and already added new statistics:
Added a new KPI “Promotion codes”
Added a new KPI “Sales by manufacturer”
Added a new KPI Sales by country
Added a new KPI Best selling products
UI enhancements and technical improvements
Moritz Neteler commented
We need a function that allows us to see from which device type the orders are coming—mobile, desktop, tablet, etc.
Jan Eckenberger commented
We miss the conversation rate
Roy-Andre Tollefsen commented
Conversion rate day by day, and also average for a period, would be very good.
Conversion Rate (%) = (Number of Orders / Number of Unique Visitors) × 100
Soufiane Feddersen commented
- Statistics & Reporting
- Reporting by employee (who has sold how much)
- Statistik & Reporting
- Reporting nach Mitarbeiter (Wer hat wie viel Verkauft)(Edited by admin) -
Stephan Völker commented
Hallo, wäre es möglich Live zu sehen, wer gerade im Shop ist. Am besten mit dem Warenkorbwert.
IN SW 5 war das super gelöst über das Widget. -
Marcel Manthey commented
KPI Produktverkäufe:
- Spalten einblenden Bestellnummer
- Umsatz nach Artikel fehltKPI: Conversion Rate fehlt
Aber sonst geht es schon in die richtige Richtung :-)
KPI Product sales:
- Show columns Order number
- Sales by article missingKPI: Conversion rate missing
But otherwise it's going in the right direction :-)
(Edited by admin) -
Michael Steinweber commented
Accessibility to the Admin API
We were unable to connect to or authenticate with your shop's Admin API at following error occurred:
{"errors":[{"code":"0","status":"405","title":"Method Not Allowed","detail":"No route found for \u0022GET https:\/\/\/api\/oauth\/token\u0022: Method Not Allowed (Allow: POST)"}]}
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently returned for "".APP_URL-Konfiguration
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently returned for "".I have migrated my shop from an HTTP domain to an HTTPS domain. I have updated the `APP_URL` in the `.env.local` file as well as all other relevant settings. In the Apache configuration, a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS is set up. However, I am seeing these errors in Shopware.
Silke Wolf commented
Netto-Auswertungen und Rohertrag (Rechnungsstellung) wären hilfreich
Kai Dechert commented
Es sollte möglich sein bei der Auswertung der Zahlungsarten zwischen Prozentual und Umsatz umzustellenEN:
It should be possible to switch between percentage and turnover when analysing payment methods -
Florian Münkel commented
It should be possible to see how many € was the total order amount of the voucher codes. Actually, only the number of Voucher redemptions can be seen.
Simone Puchert commented
Urgently needed:
KPI "Revenue and sales by product"
KPI "Sales by products" is great, but the sales is also needed ...KPI "Abailable stock by product" is missing too. All reports need to be able to export to excel
D Hermann commented
Evaluations are too minimal, absolutely essential values for webshop operators are completely missing -> sales per product & manufacturer are missing, only the quantity of products sold is displayed. I can only see the turnover per country if I filter by country, as there is no overall overview.Much more filter options are needed.
Auswertungen sind zu minimal, absolut essentielle Werte für Webshop-Betreiber*innen fehlen komplett -> Umsatz pro Produkt & Hersteller fehlt, es wird nur die Menge der verkauften Produkte angezeigt. Den Umsatz pro Land sehe ich nur, wenn ich nach Land filtere, da es keine Gesamtübersicht gibt.Es braucht wesentlich mehr Filteroptionen.
(Edited by admin) -
Petra Arentzen commented
In SW5 gab es die Möglichkeit, Verkaufszahlen auf Artikelbasis in bestimmten Zeiträumen einzusehen und diese Daten dann herunterzuladen. Dieses Feature fehlt mir sehr, um spezifische Erfolgsauswertungen fahren zu können, z. B. nach Rabattaktionen auf bestimmte Artikel.EN
I really miss the feature to analyse an download sales on product basis. SW5 got this feature, To check, if we had an promo code online or something else online, if these products got more sales then in the week bevore or the month bevore. -
Petra Arentzen commented
Mir fehlt eine Auswertung über die Klicks auf Banner.EN
I miss some analytics, too see the clicks on Banner. -
Kirstin Knispel commented
Leider geht die Funktion Seitenaufrufe und Eindeutige Besucher plötzlich nicht mehr.EN
Unfortunately, the Page views and Unique visitors function suddenly no longer works.(Edited by admin) -
Momme Grabowski commented
I am currently missing a "conversions rate" feature like it was in SW5 available.
Sabine Marquardt commented
Schön wäre es, wenn die Auswertung auch die tatsächlichen Daten nutzt.
Zeigt seid Beginn nur falsche Zahlen an, nun nach Update, für 2025 = NULL Bestellungen statt der tasächlich vorhandenen. Dann macht es keinen Sinn.
It would be nice if the evaluation also used the actual data. Since the beginning, it has only shown incorrect figures, now after the update, for 2025 = ZERO orders instead of the actual ones. Then it makes no sense.(Edited by admin) -
Volker Dreiack commented
Ich würde mir wünschen, man könnte wieder (wie in SW 5) die Kunden sehen, die gerade eingeloggt sind!
I wish you could see the customers who are currently logged in again (as in SW 5)!(Edited by admin) -
Christian Hartmann commented
ich würde mir in Analytics noch wünschen, Herstellerumsätze (nicht nur AZ anzeigen und exportieren zu lassen) ... ;-)
I would still like to be able to display and export manufacturer sales (not just AZ) in Analytics ... ;-)(Edited by admin) -
Hakim DJABRI commented
Hello, I am also struggling with installing this plugin and getting the following error. :(
"App registration for "SwagAnalytics" failed: Could not sign payload with store secret"