Shopware Analytics - Beta Phase
Following the launch of the first iteration of Shopware Analytics, we are continuing to develop the next iterations, which will further enhance functionalities. Additionally, we will steadily introduce a series of new dashboards featuring more metric visualizations. These updates will be rolled out independently of Shopware minor releases, leveraging the flexibility of our App-based service.
We invite you to explore the new features of Shopware Analytics and share your feedback. Your insights and feedback will be considered during development to ensure continuous improvement.
Here you can find the original feedback, which was the base of the first iteration:
We already started the further development and already added new statistics:
Added a new KPI “Promotion codes”
Added a new KPI “Sales by manufacturer”
Added a new KPI Sales by country
Added a new KPI Best selling products
UI enhancements and technical improvements
Silke Wolf commented
Netto-Auswertungen und Rohertrag (Rechnungsstellung) wären hilfreich
Kai Dechert commented
Es sollte möglich sein bei der Auswertung der Zahlungsarten zwischen Prozentual und Umsatz umzustellenEN:
It should be possible to switch between percentage and turnover when analysing payment methods -
Florian Münkel commented
It should be possible to see how many € was the total order amount of the voucher codes. Actually, only the number of Voucher redemptions can be seen.
Simone Puchert commented
Urgently needed:
KPI "Revenue and sales by product"
KPI "Sales by products" is great, but the sales is also needed ...KPI "Abailable stock by product" is missing too. All reports need to be able to export to excel
D Hermann commented
Evaluations are too minimal, absolutely essential values for webshop operators are completely missing -> sales per product & manufacturer are missing, only the quantity of products sold is displayed. I can only see the turnover per country if I filter by country, as there is no overall overview.Much more filter options are needed.
Auswertungen sind zu minimal, absolut essentielle Werte für Webshop-Betreiber*innen fehlen komplett -> Umsatz pro Produkt & Hersteller fehlt, es wird nur die Menge der verkauften Produkte angezeigt. Den Umsatz pro Land sehe ich nur, wenn ich nach Land filtere, da es keine Gesamtübersicht gibt.Es braucht wesentlich mehr Filteroptionen.
(Edited by admin) -
Petra Arentzen commented
In SW5 gab es die Möglichkeit, Verkaufszahlen auf Artikelbasis in bestimmten Zeiträumen einzusehen und diese Daten dann herunterzuladen. Dieses Feature fehlt mir sehr, um spezifische Erfolgsauswertungen fahren zu können, z. B. nach Rabattaktionen auf bestimmte Artikel.EN
I really miss the feature to analyse an download sales on product basis. SW5 got this feature, To check, if we had an promo code online or something else online, if these products got more sales then in the week bevore or the month bevore. -
Petra Arentzen commented
Mir fehlt eine Auswertung über die Klicks auf Banner.EN
I miss some analytics, too see the clicks on Banner. -
Kirstin Knispel commented
Leider geht die Funktion Seitenaufrufe und Eindeutige Besucher plötzlich nicht mehr.EN
Unfortunately, the Page views and Unique visitors function suddenly no longer works.(Edited by admin) -
Momme Grabowski commented
I am currently missing a "conversions rate" feature like it was in SW5 available.
Sabine Marquardt commented
Schön wäre es, wenn die Auswertung auch die tatsächlichen Daten nutzt.
Zeigt seid Beginn nur falsche Zahlen an, nun nach Update, für 2025 = NULL Bestellungen statt der tasächlich vorhandenen. Dann macht es keinen Sinn.
It would be nice if the evaluation also used the actual data. Since the beginning, it has only shown incorrect figures, now after the update, for 2025 = ZERO orders instead of the actual ones. Then it makes no sense.(Edited by admin) -
Volker Dreiack commented
Ich würde mir wünschen, man könnte wieder (wie in SW 5) die Kunden sehen, die gerade eingeloggt sind!
I wish you could see the customers who are currently logged in again (as in SW 5)!(Edited by admin) -
Christian Hartmann commented
ich würde mir in Analytics noch wünschen, Herstellerumsätze (nicht nur AZ anzeigen und exportieren zu lassen) ... ;-)
I would still like to be able to display and export manufacturer sales (not just AZ) in Analytics ... ;-)(Edited by admin) -
Hakim DJABRI commented
Hello, I am also struggling with installing this plugin and getting the following error. :(
"App registration for "SwagAnalytics" failed: Could not sign payload with store secret" -
Tim Struijs commented
Nice work on the Analytics, however when selecting a broader date range it often results in:
An unknown error has occurred. Please try reloading this chart.
My guess is because the amount of data is too large.
Katharina Bohn commented
Danke für das Plugin.
Das sind unsere Wünsche:- Darstellung der Sessions
- Klicks (meistgeklickte Kategorien, LPs, Banner)
- Infos zu Usern
- Conversion Rate
- Netto/Brutto Umsatz
Thanks for the plugin.
These are our wishes:
- Display of sessions
- Clicks (most clicked categories, LPs, banners)
- Information on users
- Conversion rate
- Net/gross turnover(Edited by admin) -
Joris van Os commented
A few metrics that are interesting:
Guest vs. registered customers (or orders)
Recurring visitors
Abandoned carts
Newsletter subscribersAnd also sanity metrics like:
Active products
Products without: images, descriptions, Product numbers, Manufacturers etc. (crucial but not mandatory fields) - Same could also be interesting for categories. -
Joris van Os commented
Hi there,
It would be critical to have all monetary values would be recalculated based on a default currency (Euro's for example), instead of summing up.
100 Swedish Crowns are for example not the same as 100 Euro's, so it can't be 200 Euro's in the dashboard.
Anne-Marie Dogger commented
Is it true that nowhere can I see which products I have sold on a day (or certain configurable period)? That was possible in shopware 5. And is also essential to keep your inventory up to date and to see if your marketing campaigns are effective....
klopt het dat ik nergens kan zien welke producten ik op een dag (of bepaalde in te stellen periode) verkocht heb? Dat kon in shopware 5 wel. En is ook essentieel om je voorraden op peil te houden en om te zien of je marketingacties effect hebben..(Edited by admin) -
Elisabeth Steger commented
Der "Gesamtumsatz" stimmt. Der "durchschnittliche Bestellwert" erkennt leider nicht, dass ich bei der Bestellung den Warenwert auf 0 EUR gesetzt habe.
The “total turnover” is correct. Unfortunately, the “average order value” does not recognize that I set the value of goods to EUR 0 when placing the order.(Edited by admin) -
Simon Nothaft commented
Übersicht der Anzahl an Bestellungen pro Wochentag
Statistik pro Kunde (wann zuletzt eingeloggt, wie oft eingeloggt usw.)
Overview of the number of orders per weekday
Statistics per customer (when last logged in, how often logged in, etc.)(Edited by admin)