Shopware Analytics - Beta Phase
Following the launch of the first iteration of Shopware Analytics, we are continuing to develop the next iterations, which will further enhance functionalities. Additionally, we will steadily introduce a series of new dashboards featuring more metric visualizations. These updates will be rolled out independently of Shopware minor releases, leveraging the flexibility of our App-based service.
We invite you to explore the new features of Shopware Analytics and share your feedback. Your insights and feedback will be considered during development to ensure continuous improvement.
Here you can find the original feedback, which was the base of the first iteration:
We already started the further development and already added new statistics:
Added a new KPI “Promotion codes”
Added a new KPI “Sales by manufacturer”
Added a new KPI Sales by country
Added a new KPI Best selling products
UI enhancements and technical improvements
Roy-Andre Tollefsen commented
The stats graphs are a bit "misrepresenting", as it seems like things have dropped significantly lately.
Instead of dropping the graph to zero, it should have stopped the graph/bar "mid-air".
See attachment for what I mean.
Daniel E commented
- Alles vor April 24 ist nicht richtig getrackt
- Rohertrag pro Tag/Monat/Jahr wäre top
- Everything before April 24 is not tracked correctly
- Gross profit per day/month/year would be great(Edited by admin) -
Birgit Meyer-Lüters commented
kleine Produkt-basierte ÜbersichtArtikelnummer !! | Artikelname | Verkäufe | Anz. Bestellungen | Summe Verkäufe | Hersteller
in einer Tabelle mit nicht nur 4 sichtbaren Zeilen, sondern erweiterbar auf 100 Zeilen/ Seite (nicht nur csv)
a) Summe aller Verkaufskanäle
b) Verkaufskanäle einzeln wählbar
mit Suchfunktion
small product-based overviewItem number !!! | Item name | Sales | No. of orders orders | total sales | manufacturer
in a table with not only 4 visible rows, but expandable to 100 rows/page (not only csv)
a) Sum of all sales channels
b) Sales channels can be selected individually
with search function(Edited by admin) -
Curd-Rainer John commented
Leider erscheint oft der Button Analytics nicht. Erst wenn man das PlugIn ausschaltet und dann wieder
einschaltet erscheint der Button Anylytics wieder. Es wäre besser den Button ins Untermenü vom Dashboard oder noch besser unter dem Menüpunkt "
Unfortunately, the Analytics button often does not appear. Only when the plug-in is switched off and then on again does the Anylytics button reappear. It would be better to place the button in the submenu of the dashboard or even better under the menu item “Marketing”.(Edited by admin) -
Sonja Brosch commented
Glaube da ist ein Bug in der 12 Monatsansicht in Analytics. Siehe Screenshot. Ein paar Monate werden sauber zusammengefasst. Aber die anderen sind so zerstückelt.. Das ist sicher nicht gewollt so oder?
I think there is a bug in the 12 month view in Analytics. See screenshot. A few months are summarized cleanly. But the others are so fragmented. That's certainly not intentional, is it?(Edited by admin) -
Jürgen Finger commented
Wunschliste ;-)
- Umsatz je Hersteller
- Zeitreihen für Vergleich Umsatz, Bestellungen etc. nach Perioden (kummulativ über Woche, Monat, Jahr) (Balkengrafik)
- immer NETTO Angaben (Brutto interessiert Unternehmer nicht wirklich) oder zumindest wählbar
- Frei gestaltbares Dashboard (Auswahl und Position der Gadgets)
Wish list ;-)
- Turnover per manufacturer
- Time series for comparison of turnover, orders etc. by period (cumulative over week, month, year) (bar chart)
- Always NET figures (gross does not really interest entrepreneurs) or at least selectable
- Freely customizable dashboard (selection and position of gadgets)(Edited by admin) -
Ruediger Sielaff commented
Uns fehlen folgenden Auswertungen: Zugriffe aus welchen Ländern, angefragte Suchbegriffe, Absprungseiten
We are missing the following evaluations: Accesses from which countries, requested search terms, bounce pages(Edited by admin) -
Marko Crefeld commented
die Anzahl der Neukunden in einem bestimmten Zeitraum passt nicht. Kann es sein, dass in dieser Statistik die Anzahl der neu angelegten Lieferadressen / Kontakte gezählt wird? Wohingegen die Gesamtzahl der Kunden sich aus tatsächlichen Kunden speist? Anders gefragt, wie entsteht die Statistik zur Anzahl der Neukunden? Was ich hier sehen kann trifft leider nicht zu.LG, Marko
The number of new customers in a certain period does not match. Is it possible that the number of newly created delivery addresses / contacts is counted in these statistics? Whereas the total number of customers is based on actual customers? In other words, how are the statistics on the number of new customers generated? Unfortunately, what I can see here does not apply.LG, Marko
(Edited by admin) -
Catarina Schmidt commented
It would be very intersting to know what kind of data, wich data is send to the shopware-Domain. I saw in the authorisation that there is a point "Domains" and a shopware Domain is mentioned for transmission of data.
Catarina Schmidt commented
We have a german-switzerland shop and I cannot install the Plugin:
Translation required for system language 2fbb5fe2e29a4d70aa5854ce7ce3e20b
Our ISO-Code is de-CH. Can you please make it possible to install the plugin? -
Jan Rasche commented
Das ultimative Feature wäre die Anzeige der Marge und des ROI für Bestellungen.(Das könnte später weiter verfeinert werden, aber das grundlegende Feature wäre schon Gold wert, da es aktuell keine derartige Lösung in Shopware als Plugin oder externer Service wie Sellerboard für Amazon gibt.)
The ultimate feature would be to display the margin and ROI for orders.(This could be further refined later, but the basic feature would be worth its weight in gold, as there is currently no such solution in Shopware as a plugin or external service such as Sellerboard for Amazon).
(Edited by admin) -
Emma Bouwens commented
Wonderful plugin!
Areas of possible improved functionality for a clothing retailer like us:
- Add option for manufacturer column to product sales export
- Option to resize the different modules (for us a bigger overview of product sales would be beneficial)
- Option to add product media column to the product sales. We have a lot of random product names, imported by our manufacturers so its important to see the product pictures we assign to them.
- Option to add product price to product sales overview -
Christian Schmaus commented
Ich würde sagen, dass der durchschnittliche Bestellwert nicht richtig angezeigt wird. Ich habe das aktuelle Jahr ausgewählt und das passt nicht wirklich (siehe Screenshot).
I would say that the average order value is not displayed correctly. I selected the current year and it doesn't really fit (see screenshot). -
Patrick Gracias commented
- Aufteilung zwischen Brutto- / und Nettoumsatz
- Aufschlüsselung der Frachtkosten nach Land
- Breakdown between gross and net sales
- Breakdown of freight costs by country(Edited by admin) -
Roy-Andre Tollefsen commented
Comparison between two given periods.
Markus Hümmer commented
was fehlt:
-eine Auswertung über Retouren.
Verkauf 100 Paar/Stück
Retoure 50 Paar/Stück
ergibt dann eine Retourenquote von 50%
-Ausverkauf eines Produktes, Beispiel Aritkel wurde am 26.9.24 angelegt mit x Paaren/Stückzahl und am 1.10.24 ist das Lager leerHello,
what is missing:
-evaluation of returns
Selling 100 pairs/piece
Returns 50 pairs/piece
This then results in a return rate of 50%
-sellout of a product, example item was created on September 26th, 2024 with x pairs/pieces of items and on October 1st, 2024 the warehouse is emptyThanks a lot Markus
Victoria Gebhart commented
In den Exporten der Produktverkäufe, wäre es hilfreich noch die Produktnummer oder die Id auszugeben.
In the exports of the product sales, it would be helpful to display the product number or the ID.(Edited by admin) -
Lars Hogen commented
Interessant wäre auch wieder zu sehen, wie viele Kunden den Kaufabgebrochen haben oder bei wie vielen der Kauf fehlgeschlagen ist.
It would also be interesting to see how many customers canceled their purchase or how many failed to make a purchase.(Edited by admin) -
Sebastian Klöpper commented
I generate orders every day via the subscription function. However, these orders seem to be completely ignored in Analytics.
Statistics are always at 0 instead of including the subscription orders
Max Terschluse commented
Was einige unserer Kunden brauchen würden wäre:
A new KPI "Sales by Time"
Also quasi, dass man einsehen kann was die Umsatzstärkste Zeit ist.
So kann man auch Updates und Downtime besser begründen oder auch einplanen.–
What some of our customers would need is
A new KPI “Sales by Time”
In other words, you can see what the strongest sales time is.
This would also make it easier to justify or plan updates and downtime.(Edited by admin)