Shopware Analytics - Beta Phase
Following the launch of the first iteration of Shopware Analytics, we are continuing to develop the next iterations, which will further enhance functionalities. Additionally, we will steadily introduce a series of new dashboards featuring more metric visualizations. These updates will be rolled out independently of Shopware minor releases, leveraging the flexibility of our App-based service.
We invite you to explore the new features of Shopware Analytics and share your feedback. Your insights and feedback will be considered during development to ensure continuous improvement.
Here you can find the original feedback, which was the base of the first iteration:
We already started the further development and already added new statistics:
Added a new KPI “Promotion codes”
Added a new KPI “Sales by manufacturer”
Added a new KPI Sales by country
Added a new KPI Best selling products
UI enhancements and technical improvements
Manuel Fichtner commented
Endlich! Das hat wirklich lange gefehlt!
At last! It's been a long time coming!(Edited by admin) -
Alex Dal commented
Kennzahlen zu aktuellen Besuchern (mobile & Desktop), Seitenaufrufen, Artikeln nach Verkäufen und beliebte Suchbegriffe
Key figures on current visitors (mobile & desktop), page views, articles by sales and popular search terms(Edited by admin) -
Mario Bölt commented
Real-time shopping cart and user statistics. View of the current number of shopping cart (including content and amount) per user plus the number of unique and human visitors as a real-time statistics data of the last 10 minutes
Wilfried Kötz commented
Die Umsatzanzeige sollte auch die Mehrwertsteuer sowie die anteiligen Versandkosten ausweisen können. Das würde einiges an Arbeit in der Buchhaltung und in Verbindung mit der Umsatzsteuer-Voranmeldung für das Finanzamt erleichtern und wäre zumindest eine gute Kontrolle.
The sales report should also be able to show the VAT and the proportionate shipping costs. This would make a lot of work easier in accounting and in connection with the advance VAT return for the tax office and would at least be a good control.(Edited by admin) -
Mario Bölt commented
A comparison of different time periods (e.g. compared to the same period last year/ month/ quarter/ week).
Mario Bölt commented
Analytics of Top Selling Products and Low Selling Products are well requested.
Nico Quintiens commented
i like to have a function so i can see stats of how many time a certain coupon code is used for a given time.
i use tracking based on certain coupon codes, so it would be nice to see them in the stats -
Lena Forlin commented
Customer feedback: All features from the Shopware 5 modules should be covered
Markus Käsbeck commented
An evaluation of the best-selling items as in Shopware 5 would be great. Otherwise we cannot identify top sellers.
Marco Thrum commented
Abort analysis(Edited by admin) -
Niklas Wolf commented
It would be very useful to have basic analytics for promotions. E.g. how often was a specific promotion used already, when were the promotions used over time, etc.
Benjamin Hummel commented
Within a promotion with a configured fixed promotion code there should be an overview of the orders with this code. Like the overview in a promotion with individual code.
So you get an overview about the number of used codes and in which orders and from which customer it was used.
Sales report - quantity sold - with configurable features/columns/filters (eg properties, date, customer group). If this could be displayed as part of the product management admin screens, then the user can filter our his bestselling products and make adjustments/rules around them.
My clients want to see how often a product was sold in a specific period. Based on these sold items in a specific period, they made business decisions.