148 results found
Rules for sections
As a content creator, I maintain content for 2 or more sales channels within a shopping experience. For this, it would be very helpful if I could assign the whole section to a sales channel via the Rule Builder. Currently, I have to do this for each content block individually.
2 votes -
File download as content element for CMS
As a shop owner I want to provide files for download, like press material or other files. Therefore it would be great to have a content element where I can select files from the media manager in Shopware that are listed as a list in the frontend. The files in the list can be downloaded.
12 votes -
Create new / duplicated layouts from the category page
If you also want to use Shopware to integrate the company website (with integrated shop/product catalog) with a large number of different content pages, there is the problem that you first have to create a layout for each page.
It should be possible to create new or duplicated (from existing) layouts faster.
This could be one or two buttons in the category which do the following
A) "create new layout for this category and assign"
B) "copy layout of this category to a new category and assign to the category"The layout could have an automatic naming based on the…
10 votes -
Apply visibility rule to a single slider elements
Currently, if I want to hide a banner of a slider at a certain time, I have to create 2nd slider and show the slider without a banner at a certain time.
It should be possible to apply a visibility rule to a single banner of a slider. This way I can show and hide certain banners in a more targeted way.1 vote -
Mark blocks if a rule is assigned
It is possible to assign a rule of the rule builder to a content block. After the rule is assigned, the block will not be marked as an assigned block. For a better understanding, of how a layout is working, it would be helpful to mark such blocks.
2 votes -
Convert & sort landing pages to categories and vice versa
At the moment it is not possible to select a category as landing page and a landing page as a category in the category tree just by sorting with drag and drop. The expectation is to sort all categories AND landing pages at once within the category tree, and with that also convert a landing page to a category or vice versa.
1 vote -
Show assigned category/landingpage in shopping experience
Working with a lot of shopping experiences is challenging. Currently, it is impossible to see at first glance which category or landing page the layout is assigned.
It should be directly visible, not only after opening the assignment modal.
17 votes -
Deactivate shopping experiences
Sometimes it is hard to get the all shopping experiences well organized. Therefore it should be possible to deactivate shopping experiences. Deactivated shopping experiences can´t be assigned to a category or landingpage.
1 vote -
Mark translations in shopping experiences
As a shop owner, I want to know if a content block in the shopping experience inherits the content of the default language or not. For this, it would be helpful to "chain" the elements like a variant in the product area. Only when the chain is "solved", the translation or text change can be made.
6 votes -
Show PDF Previews
Would be nice if there was a preview in media for pdf files in asset fields in the admin panel. Also in the sidebar preview when selecting the asset.
13 votes -
Flag whether Shopware takes content from shopping experience or category/content
When a layout is created and activated, it will display the actual content from the layout. Once content got changed via categories/layout, it only takes the content from the category. Changing the content again via the page builder does not have an effect anymore, which is correct as the inheritance changed but is confusing.
It would be beneficial and facilitate daily work if one would see the inheritance from the content in the categories, whether it takes the text from the category/content or the layout.
38 votes -
Duplicate CMS blocks
There should be an option to duplicate CMS blocks to make minor changes to the second one. This is especially helpful if e.g. for a limited time only some minor changes should be visible via dynamic access (make the first one invisible and the second one with small changes visible for timeframe XY), for example for a specific season.
7 votes -
Add more places to use Shopping Experiences
There should be more places where customers can customize the layout via Shopping Experiences, like the customer menu (Mein Konto Übersicht), checkout or registration.
3 votes -
Option to choose how many elements are visible in a multi-element-block
In picture sliders, commerce sliders, multi-element-blocks, the max quantitiy of elements visible side by side at once is capped at 3 (except of the cross selling block afaik). The customer should be able to choose a number higher than three. A full sized commerce slider with only three products visible is just too little and the three ones visible are way too big
3 votes -
Video in Slider
It should be possible to add videos in a "picture slider" aswell or maybe add another slider block with the option to choose between multiple different kinds of elements (pics/ videos/...)
7 votes -
Picture Slider with text
Currently it's only possible to choose the "picture with text" block to add text to a picture. It should be possible to add text to pictures within a slider aswell.
1 vote -
Upload function for forms
As a shop owner, I want to offer my customers a form with the possibility to upload files to e.g. send me a picture of their ordered products.
The form builder should be extended by the possibility to add an file upload field to a custom form.
21 votes -
Better "Scroll Navigation"
We also use the anchor points when linking from other pages. Since we want to keep the sales channel and language, we need to set technical URLs.
Also to not have to set the link again in every language. But this does not work in combination with anchor links. Since these are always provided with the designation of the point.
These we must deposit then per language correctly. Desirable here would also be a "technical" address for an anchor point.
Technical URL
124c71d524604ccbad6042edce3ac799/navigation/39c2b60c532b5249c3abc2abc39bc593#?properties=4252dd947359446921efed497689a4b8#nav-bikesAs seen in the example, the technical URL also appends the anchor by name.…
1 voteInitial status update
Form with dependent fields
At the moment it is possible to create a form with individual fields. But it should also be possible to create a form with dependent fields. If field A is filled, field B appears/ disappears/can´t filled out/....
8 votesInitial status update
HTML5 video element for Shopping Experiences
Due to design restrictions and privacy requirements for YouTube videos, the integration via the element in SW6 should be abandoned. Instead, there is to be a "video suite" in which videos can be uploaded and managed, similar to the media management. It is important that the videos can also differ in language - not like images. Subtitles and different resolutions should also be possible.
8 votesInitial status update
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