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Shopware 6 - Product Feedback & Ideas

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Shopware 6 - Product Feedback & Ideas


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1145 results found

  1. More and more providers are prohibiting the sending of emails that do not come from the same domain.

    However, as you can only store the access data of one domain in the mailer, this becomes a major problem as soon as you enter several sales channels with different domains.

    From that moment on, not all messages can be sent or are rejected by the provider.

    "mailbox unavailable\r\n 550 Sender address is not allowed.""

    It should therefore be possible to configure the mailer settings for each sales channel.

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  2. What should be possible?
    Collect abandoned cart for logged users, ability to review them in the admin, design email template and schedule reminder email to customers with their cards, auto-generate coupons for these emails.
    This could increase the CLV

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  3. Create multiple orders/deliveries for one basket.

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  4. It would be nice to have the option of copying elements from the shopping experiences and using them in a different place.

    Example: We have the "XY" section in the start page - this should be filled and customised once and then copied in the next step and used in another page.

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  5. Get rid of the admin worker and use cli worker as default.

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    PLANNED  ·  1 comment  ·  System & Settings  ·  Admin →
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  6. EN
    Display variants permanently in the product overview via option. It is repeatedly pointed out that it is inconvenient for editing that information on variants can only be viewed after opening the main product, for example, prices or stock.


    Varianten per Option dauerhaft in der Produktübersicht anzeigen. Es wird immer wieder darauf hingewiesen, dass für die Bearbeitung unpraktisch ist, dass Informationen zu Varianten erst nach dem Öffnen des Hauptprodukts einsehbar sind, zum Beispiel Preise oder Bestand.

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  7. EN

    In the Shopware 6 customer list there is no field that displays a company name for a customer. As a shop operator, you must therefore know which private name belongs to which company. The field Company / Company name is also not in the list of fields that can be added. But even if it were, the setting would not be saved.

    In der Shopware 6 Kundenliste gibt es kein Feld, das einen Firmennamen zu einem Kunden anzeigt. Als Shopbetreiber muss man daher wissen welcher Privatname zu welcher Firma gehört. Das Feld Unternehmen / Firmenname ist auch nicht…

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  8. As a shop owner, I want to be able to add files as downloads to the product detail page or cart. All files can be displayed as links. A click on a link downloads the files to the user's computer.

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  9. As a shop owner, I want to offer my customers a form with the possibility to upload files to e.g. send me a picture of their ordered products.

    The form builder should be extended by the possibility to add an file upload field to a custom form.

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  10. As a shop owner I want guests to be able to create reviews as well.

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  11. In Shopware 5 we had a popular feature with infinite scrolling. Assuming this was not removed because of technical limitations (which I doubt), it would be nice to have this feature added again as often times, customers do not switch pages and instead only look at the first one.

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  12. Insert the exact productid to the standard search it should be open exact product and not a list of many products.

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    • copy & paste results in horrible HTML code (very long and unhappy)
    • there is the possibility to paste HTML code, but when switching to the normal editor afterwards, it just deletes my input. And this is true for every piece of HTML code, even a simple p-tag!
      • Images or tables can't be inserted (except via HTML, but that's not possible, because the editor deletes my HTML every time I change the settings).
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  13. To further customise a shop's customer journey, it should be possible to customise the search results page.

    For categories with a layout with a product listing element, there is the option to activate/deactivate filters and to activate/deactivate filterable product properties as filters in the category settings and/or in the element settings.

    There should also be such an option for the search results page.

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  14. The elements in "multi-element-blocks" can't be switched with each other, they have to be deleted and newly added to the block. It should be possible in the future to just switch them, if possible per drag & drop.

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  15. As a shop owner, I want to see the activity history in the admin of all my users.

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  16. We continuously work on improving import and export capabilities.

    Please let us know in the comments what is still missing for you.

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  17. It would be a nice option to have the possibility to exclude Sundays for example from the delivery time calculation. Of course, we can already cover this with the delivery time SPAN and NAME of the delivery method, saying 1-3 WORKdays or something.

    But it would be a nice QoL feature, especially for customers, if the calculation took days we defined into the equation and could thus be more specific.

    If we wanted to take this a step further, we could also offer a calendar where we can configure holidays and whatnot.

    And if we want to take this to…

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    2 comments  ·  Checkout  ·  Admin →
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  18. If a cross-selling article is currently assigned to an article, this assignment only takes place in one direction.
    It would be desirable ( linked to an option(?)), if the assignment takes place on both sides, however.

    So - article A is assigned article B as a cross-selling article and displayed accordingly on the detail page of article A.

    However, if I now call up the detail page of article B, I would like article A to be automatically displayed as a cross-selling article at the same time.

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  19. In addition to creating and deactivating users, it should also be possible to temporarily deactivate users in the admin (Settings > System > Users).

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